.gifs made in The Collage Film, Fall 2020 at UIC

Erick McGee - Go Nuts!! (2020), animated gif

Julianna Kowalczyk - Wowee (2020), animated gif

Emily Oliver - A Moment (2020), animated gif

Tim Reyes - Barista Fantasies (2020), animated gif

Ashley Clodfelter - Gif Test (2020), animated gif

Emmanuel Ramos-Barajas - cosmos//conquest (2020), animated gif

Alex Kulikowski - I Ain't Got Time (2020), animated gif

Jazmin Delgado - Hold On (2020), animated gif

Odin Centeno - Water is Falling (2020), animated gif

Allyson Yucuis - BBC one. (2020), animaged jif

Esteban Espana - Out of This World! (2020), animated gif

Kat Svadlena - Cool Your Jets (2020), animated gif

Grace Spee - kuku dot com (2020), animated gif

andrea reyes - ssssshhh (2020), animated gif

Diana Shlikhtova - Levitation (2020), animated gif

Anthony Randazzo - Truth (2020), animated gif

Jeffrey Stahl - spider fight (2020), ANIMATED GIF

Myles Turner - welp (2020), animated gif

Guillermo Zacarias - Hidden World (2020), animated gif

Jason Le - Wanderer (2020), animated gif


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